Experience Autumnwinter Seasons With The Best Of These Destinations

Winter 2021 Fashion Trends

Manila, Philippines - Have you reached your 2022 destinations? If you are ready to satisfy your desire to travel, then nothing can be compared to traveling abroad, especially this year with the restoration of international borders.

Imagine losing yourself in the splendor of winter: autumn: majesty. Maybe you want to get off the wish list to experience the first snow or breathe the fresh dusty autumn air through the amazing scenery և more.

In the North, or rather in Europe և North America, there are many foreign cultures և atmospheres that become even more special in winter: Christmas. If this is your sailing boat, we have the perfect place for you.

The best places to travel in the Northern Hemisphere are:

1. Christmas fairs in Austria, Germany and Switzerland Experience autumn and winter with the best offers in this place Winter trips to the villages of Austria, Germany քաղաք Swiss cities են are ideal for Christmas for a number of reasons, mainly the festive Christmas fairs.

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Winter trips to the villages of Austria, Germany քաղաք Swiss cities են are ideal for the Christmas season for a number of reasons, especially for the festive Christmas fairs. Here you will have the opportunity to choose the perfect gift under the snow, walk around the counters to sing songs, make hot candles, and even taste their beautiful wines while talking to the locals.

During this trip you can also explore the capital of Vienna, Vaduz, Salzburg, Munich, Innsbruck, Luzern and Liechtenstein, as well as see the sights. Appreciate the wonders of the city, its ancient traditions, the majesty of the Alps և much more.

2. Swiss admiration Experience autumn and winter with the best offers in this place If you want more Swiss sweets, you should definitely make a special trip to Switzerland.

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If you want more Swiss sweets, you should definitely make a special trip to Switzerland. The Swiss are ready to delight you with their hospitality, especially the art of wood carving, as well as local flavors, especially cheeses, wines, bread and chocolate.

It is better to meet the masters yourself. Visit local vineyards և winemakers overlooking Lake և և Brock Maison Cailler Chocolate Factory ացեք Learn the secrets of chocolate makers.

All this և more in Switzerland in the fall.

3. Original English Experience autumn and winter with the best offers in this place Take your next trip to experience the beautiful scenery and sounds of England, Scotland and Wales.

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You admire the old և new royal palaces և houses. You are a fan of international artists and performers. Do you like beautiful scenery? Then take your next trip to immerse yourself in the sounds of England, Scotland գեղեցիկ Scenes of Wales:.

Think of the mysteries of Stonehenge, the well-preserved Roman baths, and the ancient history of Tudor, Ludlow. Discover Gretna Green's romantic wedding paradise, learn about one of Edinburgh's oldest fortified landmarks, visit the birthplace of the legendary playwright Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon, and finally see the annual Royal Military Tattoo Festival.

4. Scandinavian northern lights Experience autumn and winter with the best offers in this place When traveling to Finland և Sweden, you will have a better idea of ​​this delicate show in the Arctic sky.

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When did you first think of a meteorological event called Northern Lights? Also known as Aurora borealis, this colored light is created by the interaction of the Earth's atmospheric gases with the solar wind. When traveling to Finland և Sweden, you will have a better idea of ​​this delicate show in the Arctic sky.

This part of Scandinavia is not only a light show, but also the most exciting adventures in cold weather. You can contact locals like Sami to join their homes to learn about reindeer breeding as well as local traditions and history.

He moved to Rovaniemi, where Mira's happy old St. Nicholas, better known as Santa Claus, was born. Here you can even ride a deer sleigh. I wish you were loved.

5. Northern California Experience autumn and winter with the best offers in this place A long trek to Northern California, enjoying three fresh views of the city, forests, ocean shores, tour of Yosemite National Park, tall red trees, and beautiful Lake Tahoe.

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If a longer trip speeds you up, call Venice եք 17 miles to see the beautiful scenery of Northern California. Yosemite National Park offers a triple view of the city, the forest աց the refreshing ocean as you wander through the magnificent redwood և beautiful Lake Tahoe.

Finish your trip to Monterey with delicious fresh farm produce. A trip to Golden State without the first alcohol filter, especially the Cabernet Sauvignon 400 wineries in Napa Valley, is the perfect way to end the day.

Experience autumn and winter with the best offers in this place Visit Italy Tuscany Florence Castella del Tribio with Anna տ Alberta

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If you want to experience this life-changing experience, all these journeys have become possible և easy through Trafalgar.

Trafalgar is a market leader in Europe և North America with over 300 itineraries designed by a team of experts to ensure you get the most out of each location. For 75 years, travel companies have delighted more than 5 million visitors with their carefully selected experiences.

Fortunately, we were able to catch Trafalgar at the Pan Pacific Travel Booths 245 և 246 at the Travel Tour Expo at the SMX Congress Center in Manila on June 24-26.

To make the trip more useful, Trafalgar guests will also enjoy և Travel և Be my guest. The Make Travel Matter experience is designed to promote responsible tourism while encouraging people to reap the benefits.

On the other hand, Guest is one of the offers of Trafalgar brand. This emphasizes the beautiful locals who open their homes to visitors so that they can truly live like the locals. The hospitality program is designed to combat unnecessary tourism while supporting local businesses. This is a unique experience that Trafalgar guests love և love.

Make your vacation special this year և Choose another, carefree tour with Trafalgar.

For more interesting lines և discounts visit https://www.trafalgar.com/en-sg.

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