Let These Daredevil Adventure Travel Experiences Inspire Your Next Trip

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Actress and animal activist Nicole Patrick (a good friend) said, "I would definitely say I'm an adventure traveler." I don’t like to go on vacation and sit on the beach - I need fun moments to make it unforgettable. . I love crawling. ” So it’s no surprise that Patrick, a longtime animal lover (owner of Rescue Spot, a pet-friendly technology platform, co-founder), decided in 2017 to take part in reducing carnivorous conflict and protecting animals for work. African. A large nature reserve in Namibia.

“I work with animals in the U.S., but mostly with dogs and cats, and I wanted to have real experience with lions, cheetahs, and other endangered species,” he said. "We all live in Namibia in tents without electricity; our neighbors are wild baboons who like to steal clothes, facial products and anything else they can get their hands on," he said. You never know when you’ll come home at night and see if your shop has been attacked by baboons; It's always a matter of guessing who the next one will be. '

“We have taken care of all the animals there, including cheetahs, elephants, lions, wild dogs and meerkats, both for long-term protection, as a pet for people who can’t live in the wild, or for rehabilitation. The game. We feed them, give them medicines, and pay attention to their enrichment. “Even the simplest daily tasks at the shelter require adventure. “Just washing a cheetah blanket is just a scary feeling; You gather all these bones and the hard cheetah follows you and prepares you to attack at any moment - we are with trained people, but it is the only small stick you need to defend. It’s amazing to be so close to these wild animals. “Then, of course, there are moments of real adventure, including betrayals and nights with lions.

“We have a project in Namib-Naukluft National Park that detects hyenas in the Canaan desert,” Patrick said. "Hyenas can be very dangerous; they are not animals you want to find in the wild. We went out at night to feed them bait; he released the bodies of large animals using video traps. We knew the hyenas were around and we spent the night in concrete water tanks waiting for the hyenas to come. ” A warning to note: the hyenas actually arrived, and yes, they all returned home safely.

Security teams also protect wildlife sanctuaries from hunters. "All of these animals are very valuable to hunters, so the three friends have to guard the entrance to the sanctuary every night. You spend the whole night on this closed platform in the lion's yard and the lions guard you." to do it all over again, not at all nervous! If something happens, I know that at least I’ve had an experience in my life, that I’ve done something I love! I would do it again in a heartbeat, but the next trip I really want to make is to help build a bear sanctuary in Eastern Europe and my dream is to join the migration of red pandas to Nepal, the Himalayas.

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