Batanes Travel Requirements For Philippine Passport Holders

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Now you can visit the Moral Landscapes of Batanes ! Philippine Airlines (PAL) has announced an increase in flights to meet demand. Here are the Batanes travel requirements to get you started!

Also Read: Bots During COVID-19: These Ivatans Show Us What It Looks Like

Who can travel to Batanes?

Evaton village

Although Batanes is now open to tourists, there are still a few things to consider when planning your trip. The Batanes Provincial Government allows travel for residents and workers returning from abroad, public and private officials on official business trips, and tourists visiting the country. Authorized persons outside of residence (APOR) wishing to travel to the island are also allowed to enter Batanes.

To enjoy Batanes as a tourist, follow these guidelines before starting your tour:

  • All tourists must be fully vaccinated to prevent COVID-19. At this point, a lack of vaccination protection means no entry to Batanes!
  • Tourists can only arrange tours with agencies and operators that are approved by the Department of Tourism (DOT). Unfortunately, no self-guided tours are currently allowed.
  • The reception of tourists and the organization of the tour are taken care of by authorized tour operators and agencies. Your travel packages and return ticket will also determine how long you can stay on the island.
  • Government and private agency guests wishing to travel to Batanes after a business trip must purchase at least one tour package from a licensed tour operator or agency. Your registration certificate will contain these conditions along with the required LGU and DENR charges.

    Did you fill out the checklist? Then Batanes is waiting for you! To get to the island, the following documents are required:

  • Vaccination card with full details or digital copy of the VaxCertPH VaxCertPH vaccination card
  • Proof of booking from an authorized local tour operator or travel agent
  • Send your documents to the PGO Heritage and Tourism Department via [email protected]. You will then receive a certificate of admission. Keep in mind that your exemption also depends on whether the family has DOT-approved housing, so it's best to wait before booking your flight.

    You can obtain a certificate of enrollment from the following offices:

  • LGU Destination - For returning residents
  • Regional Tourist Office - for tourists
  • Batanes Provincial Government - For public and private bodies
  • LGU Designation: For non-Iwatan private sector workers
  • Also read: Learn about Ivatan beer, Batanes' first domestic beer

    Guide in Batanes

    Septang Island

    No matter how clean the air is in Batanes, we cannot protect ourselves from the threat of COVID-19. The Batanes Provincial Government recommends the following guidelines upon arrival at Pasco Airport:

  • Complete a health declaration at check-in at the departure airport. Tourists can pre-fill this form via the State Health Department's Google online forms. It can also be called up using the QR code printed on the registration certificate.
  • Consult a doctor before moving to your place of residence.
  • Get tested if you develop symptoms of COVID-19. If they test positive, they will be isolated at a government quarantine facility. Testing and quarantine are free, but necessary food and equipment are at the tourist's expense.
  • Follow all other protocols in COVID-OPLAN protocol for passengers arriving at Pasco Airport.
  • The provincial government of Batanes also enforces health and safety standards for tourists and tour operators:

  • All tourism employees must be fully immunized against the COVID-19 virus.
  • Always wear face masks except when eating.
  • Always respect social distancing.
  • All tourist facilities must have working hand washing stations or provide 70% isopropyl alcohol, 60% ethyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol.
  • Avoid contact with local people not covered by the tour or itinerary.
  • Avoid indoor meetings.
  • Philippine Airlines is increasing flights to Batanes

    Batane Hill

    Fortunately, due to the increased number of Philippine Airlines flights, there are frequent flights to Batanes.

    Beginning July 24, the national carrier will add a Sunday flight schedule on the Manila-Pasco route. Additionally, daily morning flights on the same routes will begin on August 2nd . Departs Manila at 6:00 am and arrives in Pasco at 7:45 am, while return flights depart from Pasco at 8:00 am and arrive in Manila at 10:00 am.

    Also read: Dear Patanes, I should have visited you when I could

    Batanes remains the dream destination of most Filipinos thanks to its impressive cliffs and stunning seas. The paintings seem to come alive through the photos alone. So if you want to see this scenic beauty, it's time to pack your bags and book your flights to this idyllic province of the archipelago.

    All images were credited via Canva Pro Joseph Christopher Orbel.


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